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14 Natural Home Treatments and Remedies for Sore Eyes

14 Natural Home Treatments and Remedies for Sore Eyes

Sore eyes are very painful, itchy, and irritating for patients. This may be caused by allergies, infections, dryness, or too much watching on screen. Luckily, there are various natural ways to reduce and calm irritated eyes. These treatments are very simple, easy capable and easy to carry out at home. Appended below there are 14 simple home treatment for eye pain remedies, everyone may apply at home.

  1. Cold Compress:

A cold compress can help decrease swelling, irritation, and redness of the affected eye. Get a clean cloth and soak in cold water or wrap some ice cubes in a cloth. After that, place light it lightly over your closed eyes for a few minutes. Repeat as required throughout the day to soothe the discomfort and irritation.

  1. Warm Compress:

A warm compress has been helps to relax the eye muscles and improve blood circulation inside eyes even small arteries. Just only dip a soft cloth in warm water, press out the excess water, and place it on your affected eyes. This practice also helps to relieve dryness and remove any rubbish stuck in the eyes. Use this remedy at least twice a day for better results.

  1. Cucumber Slices:

Cucumber has cooling and hydrating qualities. Cucumber decreases the irritation and soreness of eyes because of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities. Get a fresh cucumber, slice in two pieces and put it in the refrigerator for a few minutes. Subsequently, put it over your closed eyes and wait ten to fifteen minutes. This will help to refresh and soothe your tired eyes.

  1. Aloe Vera Gel:

Aloe Vera is well known for its anti-inflammatory and soothing qualities. It can reduce irritation and provide instant relief. Mix pure aloe vera gel with cold water, then dip a cotton pad in the mixture and apply it to your eyes. This treatment gives a rapid relief from discomfort, dryness, and redness. Repeat this process as required throughout the day.

  1. Rose Water:

Rose water is a natural eye hydrator that helps decrease redness and irritation. It is gentle and can be used safely. Soak the cotton piece in pure rose water and place it on your closed eyes for ten minutes. Rose water can also be used as eye drops, but be sure it is completely chemical-free and pure. Use this remedy daily for better results.

  1. Tea Bags:

Green or black tea bags, include tannins and antioxidants that help decrease swelling and irritation of the eyes. After using the tea bags, let cool down. Subsequently, place it on your closed eyes for ten to fifteen minutes. The anti-inflammatory qualities of Tea helps soothe from irritation, redness, and soreness. Repeat this remedy as needed.

  1. Milk and Honey:

Honey has antiseptic and soothing qualities, whole milk helps to cool eye irritation. Blend the milk and honey in equal quantities and then warm the mixture a while. Apply a fe drops to affected eyes by using a sterile dropper. As a substitute, bring a piece of cotton, dip into mixture and cover your eyelids with it for a few minutes. This therapy will help to cool down and soothe your tired eyes.

  1. Castor Oil:

Castor oil is a natural lubricant for decreasing the dryness, redness and soreness. It also improves the production of tears and decreases irritation. Use a sterile dropper to apply one drop of castor oil to each eye before sleeping. This treatment keeps your eyes moist during the night and avoids irritation. Make sure to use castor oil is pure chemical free.

  1. Potato Slices:

Potatoes include with natural enzymes compounds that help to decrease soreness and irritation. Slice thinly a fresh potato and then put the slices over your closed eyes for ten minutes. This action will soothe your sore eyes.

  1. Chamomile Tea Rinse:

Chamomile tea has natural anti-inflammatory and sterilized effects. Make some chamomile tea and allow it to cool completely. Use this cool tea to clean your eyes or soak a cotton piece in the tea and put it over your eyes for ten minutes. This therapy will help to release from irritation, redness, and swelling.

  1. Cold Spoon Therapy:

A cold spoon therapy is supported in decreasing inflammation by squeezing the arteries. Two metal spoons are put in the refrigerator and cool for a few minutes. Subsequently, Place cold spoons softly on your closed eyelids until they warm up. Repeat this action a a few times to get release from sore and puffy eyes.

  1. Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer which facilitates decrease dryness and irritation. Apply a small drop of virgin coconut oil around your eyes using clean fingers or a cotton piece. This treatment soothing your sore eyes but also helps protect them from infections. Repeat this remedy daily for the best results.

  1. Saltwater Rinse:

Saltwater is a natural cleaner that helps get clear of bacteria and irritation from the eyes. In a cup of warm water, combine a teaspoon of salt and shake properly. Use this solution to clean your eyes softly. This remedy helps clean the eyes and prevent infections. Make sure to use only sterile and clean water for safety.

  1. Blinking Exercise:

Frequently blinking eyes keep moist and prevent dryness. Many people forget to blink enough eyes when they are using screens for long hours. Every few minutes, take a break and blink for ten to fifteen seconds. This simple exercise improves tear production and avoids eye damage and irritation.

Final Tips:

To preserve healthy eyes, drink water to keep them hydrated. Take regular breaks from watching screens to keep away from eye damage. Don’t rubbing your eyes to during infections and further irritation. Eat a healthy diet contains with vitamins A and C to support eye health. If your symptoms increase or become constant visit at sahara west urgent care eye cleaning clinic in Las vegas. These simple treatments can help you get relief naturally and keep your eyes healthy and refreshed. Take care and be safe! To schedule your  appointment at the highest standard of care and visit Sahara West Urgent Care, visit our website.


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